Medicine plus Art
Being an athlete, I endure many injuries that require all sorts of care and attention. When I learned that X-Ray, CT scan, and MRI are all forms of art, I was a bit shocked. I have seen many teammates and family members endure injuries, therefore unknowingly interacting with art. My older sister has torn her ACL and gone through plenty of MRI's. My brother has broken his clavicle four times in the same place, so X-Rays are nothing new to us. We experienced art in ways we didn't even realize. The procedures are similar to choreographed performances and I am in awe of this realization.
As I think deeper about it, it blows my mind that medicine and art can blend together. In society it is such a profound thing that art and medicine are two very different things. Medicine belongs to the sciences and the numbers, you must follow a set of rules and guidelines. Whereas art is creative and there are no limits and there are no rules. So how is it that they can both be found in one moment? And how can they be similar?
Science and art do have one thing in common, the power to heal, whether physically or mentally. People all around the world express their feelings through art. In turn, this helps mental psych even more than ever nowadays.
Modern medicine is all about advancements. We are only at the beginning of a long trail of medical breakthroughs and advances that can save millions of lives. With creativity in the medical world we see doctors coming up with new treatments and stepping out of boundaries. Recently, scientists have attacked a type of leukemia in young people with stem cells that attach onto cancer cells and destroy them. This is a marvelous break through that people back then would have never thought was possible, but with the combination of science and art, it is.
We all know that science makes up the sea, land, the universe, everything. Every object in our world has a basic scientific make up of small atoms and elements. Few people know that art makes up everything too. It produces creativity enlisted into man. It helps us create great ideas to aid our countries and our world. It creates technology that empowers us to do more than we are possibly capable of. It lets us express ourselves.
Works Cited
Lecture "Medicine Part 2"
Scientists experimenting image.
"Understanding MRIs"
X-Ray image.